
Know your veggies!

If you’re one of those who mistake parsley for coriander or yam for sweet potato, fret not. You are not alone in this. We have identified 10 types of vegetables that are commonly mistaken by grocery shoppers. So if you are thinking of winning your man’s heart through his stomach (and vice versa), be sure to pick out the right veggies and not malu yourself at a romantic candlelight dinner.

Ok, ready? Here we go!

1. Broccoli vs Cauliflower




Cauliflower is white. Broccoli is green. Based on some amateur cooking experience, broccoli will cook faster than cauliflower.

If you like a simple broccoli dish that tastes fresh, crunchy and cooked,

1.Cut the broccoli into pieces (I prefer the stalk intact with the floret) and wash them thoroughly.

2. Boil the broccoli pieces in water with a pinch of salt (boils faster and the Chinese believes that it brings out the natural flavour of the veggie) and a tablespoon of oil (to keep it smooth).

3. Remove them from the boiling water after 5 minutes of boiling, if you like them crunchy.

4. Drain off any remaining water from the broccoli.

5. Finally, sprinkle some brown sugar on it and it is ready to serve.

2. Carrot vs Radish


There is no such thing as “white carrot”. Carrots are orange – the kind that bunnies eat. Radish are white – the Chinese like to cook them in soups. Both are high in Vitamin A and good for the eyes.

3. Cabbage vs Lettuce


Meet cabbage on your left and lettuce on your right. Cabbage is a lot harder and usually cooked unless you like to eat them raw like the coleslaw way. Lettuce is rather soft and usually eaten raw. They are usually packed in sandwiches, burgers and salads.

Interesting fact? Cabbage is higher in vitamin C and potassium while lettuce is much higher in vitamin A.

4. Yam vs Sweet Potato 


Beneath its skin, yam is white with spectrum of purple dots and sweet potato is yellow/orange-ish. Yam is cooked in popular Cantonese dishes. Sweet potato, on the other hand, can be steamed and eaten like a healthy snack. They usually appear in porridge/desserts as well.

5. Coriander vs Parsley


This is the trickiest of the lot. Both look like twins right? Coriander is the one on the left – the leaves are more rounded. They are your “wan sui” also known as Chinese parsley, found on top of your porridge or lor mee. Parsley is on your right – the leaves are sharper. They are your angmoh wansui, usually found in your western dishes as decoration.